Friday, October 01, 2004

Why Kerry is Unfit to Lead America Part One

I'll start with his most rediculous statement of the night. It was also one of his few clearly stated plans among others that seemed only a little less stupid.

His plan to disarm Iran is to provide it with fissile nuclear materials, then wait to see what they do with it.

So, if I understand this right, Kerry is planning some amazing sting operation that he just announced on TV.

And what if Iran decides to keep the material for evil deeds. Then what'll we do? Ask him nicely to stop? Impose sanctions that worked so well on Hussien? Peasefully go in and get it? If we have to attack, will it pass the "Global Test"?

Can someone please comment on this post with evidence that this is not monumentally stupid? I'd have to laugh, but then I remember that he's serious, so surely there's more to this than I understand.

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