Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Do These Articles Make the Case Against Bush in Iraq? Part I

The topics of the next three posts are in response to three articles sent to me by my debater burtyoutires (BYT). He thinks he's exposed Bush, his cronies, and the war for the frauds he thinks they are. What I find in his arguments is a willingness to accept accusations as evidence of misconduct.

There would have been four articles to which I'm responding, but some of the addresses provided by BYT led to error pages. In the case of the WaPo article by Warrik, I was able to find it by googling the topic. I'm assuming it is the article to which BYT referred. There was also a BBC article, but the address didn't work, and BYT did not provide enough info for me to find what article he meant.

I'm breaking the post up into separate posts for each article. I hope this will keep the comments more manageable. Kudos to BYT, btw, for keeping his last comments concise and reasonably focused.

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