Monday, February 28, 2005

Words from an exile

Girl on the Right lead me to this post (Thanks to our halcyon Canadian friend). I was going to write something more about what is wrong with public education, but the Exile already did. Here are some exceprts, but you should just read the whole thing; its fun:

Exile from Hillary's Village
In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s a lot of people got out of going to Vietnam by going to college. ... a very large number of those people weren’t just afraid of being killed in the war but were actively against it. In other words, they were liberals.

At some point (I don’t think that it was planned) they realized that they had the whole next generation of America sitting in front of them. They realized that these kids’ heads were empty. They realized that they had the perfect opportunity to stuff these empty heads with their own views and, therefore, shape the thinking of an entire generation, who would go on to teach the next generation, and so on until critical mass was achieved and communism was realized in America without the use of one evil, icky gun.

And there you have the American Public Education System ...

In a government union everybody is in the union. Think about that. In all other unions, things are negotiated between Management and Labor and they come up with a “fair” settlement. In a government union they’re all in the union. Not much negotiation there, is there? Both sides just say, “We want more”...

I drove by my old high school last spring and, on the school’s message sign it said, “Congradulations” to the seniors. I shit you not. It should be “Congratulations” to those of you who have been in the public school system lately....
I add only this message of hope: I believe that as the Vietnam generation ages and retires, the ideological monopoly that they have over our education system will weaken.

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