Monday, March 24, 2008

Bravo to David Mamet

Bravo to David Mamet on this excellent post. (Sorry, if the link doesn't work.) The title of the piece is "David Mamet: Why I am no longer a 'Brain-Dead' Liberal" in The Village Voice.

Also, reading the comment thread, I'm reminded of mistakes I frequently hear from both Liberals and professional Liberal pundits. These are my favorites.
1. confusing everything Republicans do as coming from conservative principles
2. confusing everything any given Conservative does as coming from conservative principles
3. believing that Religious right is synonymous with conservatism
4. confusing Liberalism with liberalism
5. believing that wealthy people are uniquely or exceptionally self interested
6. believing Republicans/conservatives are uniquely or exceptionally hypocritical
7. believing Liberal politicians are selfless leaders who would never abuse excessive power that Liberals seek to bestow upon them
8. believing government can save us from ourselves
9. believing Liberals/Progressives and Religious Right operate from very different principles
10. Confusing compassion with condescension

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