Thursday, August 05, 2004

Ben Affleck, O'Reilley, taxes and soldiers,2933,127324,00.html

Ben talked with O'Reilley during the Democrat convention and he said three things which impressed me.

First he said, "I'm not a big gun control guy. I believe in all the bill of rights, including the Second Amendment." This is very interesting, no?

More importantly, he said:

I object to me getting a tax cut where we got soldiers who have got to pay for their own body armor in Iraq. That's what; I don't deserve a tax cut. I believe that money ought to be spent on education.

Let us put aside the knee-jerk and wrong idea that we should spend more on Education. I could not agree more with his complaint about under-funded, under-paid soldiers. He cited this as his "biggest issue." Commendable. It is shameful that we do not take better care of soldiers, their families and veterans. If a citizen is willing to put his life on the line and/or dedicate his service to our military, we should make sure that this choice is not financially burdensome.


O'REILLY: Wouldn't it be better, though, if they put a little thing on your IRS form that said I'm going to donate so and so to the government?

AFFLECK: I would like that. I really would.

Now this is very interesting. It is rare to hear a liberal, even a moderate one, admit that taxation is not the only solution to fund social needs. Of course, giving money to the government is the least efficient way to fund anything, but this is a promising breach in the wall.

Into the breach!

endymion at 8:57:57 PM EDT (Link to this entry)

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