Monday, August 30, 2004


8/30/04 Am watching the republican convention, want to jot thoughts as I watch. McCain spoke well of war in Iraq. I agree we're right to be fighting it. Moore was there. He seemed to enjoy the attention even if it was negative (the crowed cheered McCain's term "disingenuous" in reference to Moore, and they chanted "Four more years!" He smiled and made the Loser signal w/ his hand.
Family of 911 victims and Heros--quite moving. Am reminded of Mahr's criticism of the ubiquitous flag displays because one speaker is now remarking how much such displays meant to her. She saw people saying they cared. That matters.
Rudy G. now speaking. Am reminded of hearing yesterday that the big three networks would not be broadcasting his or McCain's speeches. Is this because they are both so popular? He notes that Arafat won a nobel peace prize. Who needs to be part of a community who thinks Arafat deserves this? What's the point of such an award if this is who gets it? Note that the crowd applauded Rudy's reference to Kerry's war record as a soldier and boo'd his war record as a senator. I like his joke: "mabe this explains John Edwards' need for two Americas: One where Kerry [can vote for something and another where he can vote against it]". He says, "Under Bush, America will lead, not follow!" That's good. I often hear people's wishes to make America over in the image of other countries--WHY? Is France, or Canada, or any one else better? What's wrong w/ us- really? Is quality of life better in France? Are they morally superior? Why do we need their approval for anything? Do they really have great military assistance to offer? Woops, missed a funny story while on a diatribe. OK, good, caught a funny story about a traffic cop from Chicago.Now, remarks is "critical to remove the pillars of support' from terrorists. The 911 Report shows the support Saddam provided. I suggest that anyone who thinks there is no Iraq/Al Q'Aida connection read this non-partisan work though it does entail more effort than Moore-style misinfortainment. Rudy is right and all conservatives understand that the current war is part of a LONG TERM effort. Cheney's remarks about roses and candy didn't change that for reasonable people. Many Iraqis have shown appreciation. Many have shown the opposite. Who expected different? Apparently, only Kerry supporters. Bill Kristol says Rudy's speech may be the best he's ever seen at a convention. Too bad people who don't have cable TV won't see it. Brit Hume say's Moore hired by USA Today to cover event--also say's Republican firebrand Ann Coulter covered Dem. Convention for same. However, USA Today did not print her submissions. My prediction: Moore will say something outrageous (duh) and conservatives will ask why USA T. would hire him for this event. USA T. will then point to hiring Coulter as equal. Nobody will remember that they didn't actually print her. If they say they couldn't print her comments because she went too far, they must be lying. As with Moore, you can't not know what your getting by hiring Coulter. BTW, if I misspelled names, please forgive the sloppy presentation. If you ever find my logic as sloppy, please rebut.

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