Saturday, January 08, 2005

Beautiful Blog, Charity and War

Terrorists aren'’t being “stingy”

First of all, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is a beautifully made blog. Check it out. Also, she's part of the superhero group with Pajama Hadin. Neat!

She points out that many of the Muslim charities providing aid are tied to, or are themselves, Islamofascists. In the world we have now, there is no place for PC cultural relativist bullshit. These people are our enemies, and they are there to recruit terrorists. It's a shame that the suffering of the tsunami victims is also a front in the war on terror. But, our enemies are there and we have to take the fight to them.

In WWII, we dropped food supplies to the starving citizens of war-torn Europe, not just as charity, but to send a message. We wanted them to know it was the USA that had their back. We need to do the same in the tsunami relief effort. We need to display our flag, our soldiers, our aid workers and our ideals. Somebody will win the hearts and minds of the tsunami victims. Let's make sure that it is someone who believes in freedom not oppression.

[Endymion contributed to this post.]

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