Saturday, September 11, 2004

Old Documents, Validity and Honor

Both campaigns have faced criticism of their prior military service. The Swift Boats Vets charge, among other things, that Kerry's records do not reflect his actual service. In defense the Kerry campaign, among other things, has pointed to the very records in question saying, "All the military records contradict the Swifties." This is an invalid argument. They may have other arguments, but this one is no good.

Now the Democrats are renewing the old charge that Bush did not serve with honor either. Stupidly, some republicans (but not the Bush campaign) have answered this charge by pointing to the very record in question saying. "Bush received an Honorable Discharge." This too is an invalid argument and it is certainly hypocritical.
Of course, neither the Bush campaign, nor Bush himself, has questioned Kerry's service -- indeed Bush said that Kerry's service was more honorable than his own. Moreover, they have also accepted the Navy records validity. So, they are not being hypocritical here.

The difference is that Kerry has embraced the irrational and hypocritical. But then who is surprised that Bush is the more honorable man.

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