Saturday, October 02, 2004

Kerry's campaign slogan should be "Hell No We Won't Go!"

If John Kerry had an ounce of moral fiber, wouldn't he be running as the anti-war candidate? We all know, from his voting record, how anti-war he really is. His sister is currently in Australia campaigning with their president's opponent, giving out the same flip-flop garbage. He said he would have U.S. troops out within the first six months of his presidency, and yet he also stated that we must stay until peace is achieved there. Is he really that dissollusioned? Or is he that confident? Perhaps he would actually be ahead in the polls if he would just promise to do what he really wants; remove troops the day he swears in and leave Iraq and the U.N. to clean up the mess.


Endymion said...

If he had an ounce of moral fiber he would be a conservative. I think that is the ounce.

Your post reminded me of this: Kerry and Liberals have a thing about giving power over to someone else. That is what they campaign on: citizens need to give power to government. They, in turn, seem to want to give power over to a yet "higher" government. Remember his Global test and the ICC.

Presumably, if an advanced alien government of federated planets were discovered they would demand that we join as a constituent state.

Endymion said...

And another thing...

America is lucky to have just barely enough citizens who, like you, see through Kerry's slippery language. For example, his "official" language is: "I believe that within a year from now we can significantly reduce American forces in Iraq." (Aug 6th Morning Edition)

Of course this means that he wants to "get us out of there." But, this way he can equivocate. Bush knows this too, but he refuses to pay the game, preferring to just call it like he sees it.

Endymion said...
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