Friday, October 01, 2004

War, Memory and 1984

The democrats are the Ministry of Truth. They rewrite history as they see fit. I remember what Bush said in the past, but somehow many do not. Dems often say things like "the president told us that Saddam was an imminent threat." Bull. He did not. Worse they are doing it right now about the present. They say "Bush tells us that the war is going well, but the truth is that it is going badly." What a lie. He has never said that. On the contrary, he says often that it is "tough" and "hard work."

Moreover, what the hell do you think he means by saying that the war is tough and hard? Of course people will die and there will be trouble spots and give and take: it is WAR. This is why we say "war is hell." In fact, one could argue that this is, even considering all that the Democrats complain about, the least deadly war the world has ever seen. What do they mean by "badly"? Compared to what? I submit that they don't mean anything. Their purpose is to say it enough that people begin to believe it.

Orwell knew that Leftists must control the facts. Without this they have nothing. Nevertheless, 2+2 is 4. The American people are common sense folks. True, many of us have been corrupted by the Left, but the majority have not been. In an age of the internet and Bloggers, it is impossible to control the facts. There can be no Ministry of Truth. Bishop Rather has been defrocked. It is a protestant revolution: the people themselves are able to know the facts!

1 comment:

Late Bloomer said...

Here, here Endymion. Since when are deaths the determining factor of success or failure in a war? Since when is money the determining factor in which war is right? What if Lincoln had pulled out of the Civil War when the toll became intimidating? I he were the pussy Kerry is, I'd need a passport to travel from Tennessee to New Hmapshire.