Friday, November 05, 2004

Election does force some Dems to think again

Here is an interesting post from Diplomad which explains the problem in the State Department.(Thanks Instapundit) The state department is the subject of a book too.

But, regular Dems seem to be asking the right questions

Democratic Underground Forums - Arguing centrist v. leftist is missing the point, in my opinion.


I say, yes, Dems should embrace what conservatives have known for some time; small government is better. Yes, they should accept that Democratic economics are absurd and their socialist ideas are vile.

The Dems should offer Americans a candidate who
can run against Bush's NCLB, Prescription Drugs, and so on. The party has never had any better ideas, but maybe they will for 2006/8.

Probably not since Krugman provides his usual screeching, and the E. J. Dionne at the Post is no better.

1 comment:

Endymion said...

Of course, Daud is her usual vile, bigot, ugly self too.