Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Top 5 things the Dems need to do?

1. Stop imposing a religious test to Supreme Court nominations OR stop filibustering.

2. Repudiate in clear and strong words certain personalities like Michael Moore Maureen Dawd, Al Franken, Noam Chomsky, Cornell West and other insane, too-far-left, ideologically blind assholes.

3. Adopt a strong and clear opposition to Communism, Socialism and totaitarianism and adopt a strong and clear pro-American Nationalism. These probably should apply domestically, but must apply to foreign policy.

4. Repudiate and reject false leftists histories: McCarthy, Vietnam and so on. At least admit that there is a debate.

5. Purge bigotry and hatred and absolutism from their politics. No more "republicans are evil and stupid."

I hope that this list will start a discussion here. Please, please post your own list or post your comments. Let's work on this together.

Also, I don't like the comments feature here. I'm working on it, but post your comments as a new post.


Endymion said...

Stephen Said:

1. The only test liberals usually apply is Roe v Wade. Is this your definition of a religious test? I thought you were opposed to creating a theocracy. Maybe we should call him Ayatollah Bush.
2. The right has had screeching, hypocritical, ideologically blind assholes for just as long as the Left. Why should the Left not respond to the distorted accusations made on a daily basis by the AM radio pundits? If the Right will abandon Rush and North, I will give up on Franken and Chomsky.
3. I will agree that some in the Left are too attached to a totalitarian government model, but the Right has made friends with plenty of extremely hardcore dictators as well, not least of which was Saddam. A good article I read recently commented on the effect the Cold War had on the American government. Basically it postulated that the Civil Rights Act and other liberal policies came into effect because we were trying to counter the Soviet view that we were not a society of equal liberties.
4. I have read some of the revised history of McCarthy and so I will concede that he did have evidence to justify his paranoia. On the other hand, I have never read anything at all that would justify the chaos and misery of the Vietnam War.
5. Your entire blog is filled with comments about liberals being evil. If this was supposed to be a reveal an incredible double standard., you succeeded.
stephen | 02.03.05 - 6:25 pm |

Endymion said...

1. You are wrong they do not only apply Roe, but then you go one to prove my point.
2. Laughable.
3. The American foundation of personal rights is in exact oposition to a "totalitarian model" of government. People who support this model are our enemies. Also, support of bad men is not a right/left thing except to the degree that often only the right has the balls to do what is right.
4. Good. Now ask yourself why we have had it so wrong for so long and why the left refuses to repudiate the former position on McArthy. As for Vietnam: read more, there is plenty. I am not saying that the execution wasn't miserable only that it was a war worth fighting, it is too bad for the millions murdered and enslaved after we left that we didn't.
5. I stand by my arguments that leftism is evil and I do not see any double standard except the one wherein relativists somehow can make moral judgements.

Endymion said...

Stephen Said:

1. Only the Right is allowed to use inflammatory rhetoric, my bad.
2. The Right talks a great game of liberty, but then they demand that we agree with them on every subject. That is laughable.
3. Since both parties are guilty of supporting totalitarian regimes and both parties have attacked totalitarian regimes, your desire to give Republicans all the glory and Democrats all the blame is factually untrue.
4. If McCarthy was even aware of the Verona project, he would have been required to keep it a secret. It wasn’t until the project was declassified that the important facts became available to the public. Second, the atmosphere of distrust he created did lead to false accusations against innocent people, not by him, but by others inspired by him. Vietnam was a civil war, massive civilian casualties were a given in any case. It also proved that a badly executed war (or occupation) has severe costs for everybody involved, no matter how well intentioned the reason for intervention.
5. Any system of government that relies on absolutism is inherently undemocratic and repressive.
stephen | 02.10.05 - 10:52 am |