Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Lucky for us, Buckley is still around

Goldwater - Conservatism is on 'firing line':

We are the governing power and we won something similar to a mandate if not, in fact, an actual one. The question we have before us now is, "What do we do now?" We have been the opposition party for so long, we have to be careful how we proceed. What I mean is that we must guard against becoming the thing we hate. Here is an excerpt for the above discussion:
"Now, there's a difference between how a movement in dissent engages and how one that seeks to govern does so. But there's also a difference between political pragmatism and abandonment of principle.

Politicians need to make tactical decisions about how to nudge policy in the right direction. But the role of philosophical conservatives should be to try to expand the ambit of the politically possible through persuasion.

Right now, the conservative movement has an insufficient ratio of philosophers to tacticians. "

Let us continue to push political thinking to the edge and then bring it back too. We are the party of ideas and of debate. Let us continue to offer up ideas like the consumption tax / abolishing the IRS or the flat tax.

We are and must be the keepers of the flame of Liberty. It would be a shame if we let that flame go out simply because we were afraid of losing an election.

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