Monday, December 27, 2004

The UN's Food for Sex Program and Linux

Times Online - World

Holy Crap! Is there no end to the corruption in the U.N.?
HOME-MADE pornographic videos shot by a United Nations logistics expert in the Democratic Republic of Congo have sparked a sex scandal that threatens to become the UN’s Abu Ghraib.

The expert was a Frenchman who worked at Goma airport ... When the police arrived the man was allegedly about to rape a 12-year-old girl sent to him in a sting operation ... Investigations have already turned up 150 allegations of sexual misconduct by peacekeepers and UN staff despite the UN’s official policy of “zero-tolerance”. One found 68 allegations of misconduct in the town of Bunia alone.

UN insiders told The Times that two Russian pilots based in Mbandaka paid young girls with jars of mayonnaise and jam to have sex with them.

Of course these abuses are not officially U.N. actions, but should we not consider that certain organizations lend themselves to corruption? Furthermore, once an organization has been corrupted to the extent that we now find in the U.N., there really is no hope of rehabilitaion.

When your copy of Windows has been messed up by years of sloppy program installations, the best fix is format c: and re-install.

We should reformat the U.N. This time let's install Linux.

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