Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Fetus Monologues

Mike S. Adams: Blind feminists find nut, details at eleven:

Same excerpt, different take:
"“If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?”; “If it could speak what would it say?” and; “What does your vagina smell like?”"
What if in each of those sentences, we replaced the word vagina with the word fetus? It is considerably more reasonable to anthropomorphize a fetus than a vagina, seeing as how a fetus actually has the potential to talk someday.

The elitists of my gender want you to empathise with my vagina, but try to empathize with a fetus. I promise you, they will go ballistic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Vagina Monologues" appeared last month at the college I'm attending. few people care to do the research, or, for that matter, mention the play is based upon a book by the same name. The book describes in lurid detail the rape of a pre-adolescent girl by a 20-something lesbian, which "liberates" the the young girl, ensuring she will never need a man to please her. That's the plot of the book. Yet we're supposed to just follow along with the program, which is just another Left-wing man-bash.

Somehow, the "play" twisted some of that around, such that the original basis for "Monologues" gets lost in the shuffle.

At any rate, few people cared to show up to this stupid play on campus (the college has over 20,000 students). Yet, the school newspaper devoted a full 27 articles on sex, transgender issues, rape, STD's, the "Monologues", etc., in the run up to the week the play was shown. Goes to show many students who write for these school newspapers could care less about academics, but they feel tabloid crap and convoluted Liberal vitriol pass for journalism. Mind you, black history month was buried on pages 15 and 16, and there was nary a mention of the school's excellent sports teams. I guess the "Monologues" are just that important.