Monday, April 18, 2005

Reading Liberal blogs is a waste of time

Atrios at Eschaton is one of the most widely read Liberal bloggers and reading him is like sitting on top of a shit heap during a tornado. Here is his post on Time's article on Ann Coulter. Read the comments. They are largely crazed, ugly and stupid and these are the so-called informed Liberals. I looked at the Ann Coulter criticism when I read Slander. I checked up on the original sources and the claims made by her critics. I did it again when I read Treason. They are simply wrong. The criticisms are not valid.

Liberals are Liberals because they have not developed the skill of critical thinking. They can not seem to make good judgments about evidence and argument. They are often very good and complex thinking which sounds critical and they are always impressed by it, but it rarely comport with reality. Compare the weak charges they have made against Tom Delay to the charges against Clinton. Delay seems to have been doing business as usual, the same things Barbara Boxer has done, whereas Clinton actually did commit perjury and sexual harassments. Somehow, Liberal make excuses and obfuscate the facts surrounding the myriad Clinton problems, but can see very clearly the crimes of Tom Delay (not Boxer, though). They, of course, have it backwards.

I think that this is only possible because they approach the debate with a preconceived world-view which informs them about reality. The problem is that this world-view is wrong. That is why they are so willing to believe weak, faulty arguments which happen to agree with the Liberal world-view and ignore the obvious problems with it.

I am not saying that Ann's arguments are always right nor that Conservatives are always right. Indeed, here I show that a Conservative was wrong about Ann Coulter. What I am saying is that reading Liberal blogs is a waste of time. We do it, of course, but it rarely yields anything of value. On the other hand, Libertarians, Neo-Libertarians, religious conservatives and non-religious conservatives, et alia, debate current issues with an openness and rigor that puts the left to shame. It is very rewarding and fruitful. Remember, Clinton's greatest achievements were conservative ideas. Right now, there is more debate about SS reform and real tax reform than ever before -- and it is all coming from the right.

Since Liberals do wield political power (demagogery always does), we have to spend alot of time refuting them and therefore explaining the positions to which we object. So if you read good rightish blogs you will inform yourself of both sides. It is truly laughable to read a Liberal who tries to explain the conservative position on anything. They have no idea how we think - how many times have you heard that Conservatives don't care about the environment?. On the other hand, we know very well how they think. Many of us used to be Liberals and nearly all of us were educated in Liberal thinking.

Whether you think Liberalism is a religion, a mental disorder, or, like me, an immature state of personal development, reading their blogs is mainly a waste of time.


Anonymous said...
Only three are blogs, but all are thoughtful.

Endymion said...

Think Progress .
is not thoughtful at all. It is hack and stupid.

is erudite, indeed accomplished, but, in the end, the work there is not rigorous and often seems biased. Herzog is a good example. He is a scholar interested in ideas, but, I think, his real interest is in defending his Liberal world-view. His Book Poisoning the Minds of the Lower Orders is chaos and his thinking is without depth.

Mixing Memory is much, much better. First, he quotes Elliot right up front - a conservative, a genius and a man of true depth and insight. Second, he and his commenters are more thoughtful than most Liberal blogs.

My main criticism is that the entirety of thought here is merely a subset of what goes on among non-Liberal blogs. That is why I say it is a waste of time. I am not saying that these guys are wastes of time, really, in fact I like them. It is just that the topics in diuscussion here are also discussed among the 'right' blogs and often, though not always, better so.

Actually, I had forgotten about Mixing Memory. It was in my "blogs" bookmark, but since creating my blogroll I have not visited any of those sites.

Cabinet Magazine is very interesting, and new to me. I can't really comment on it, but it does not seem to be political in nature.

The last one is also new and seems very meaty. I like this:
The model emphasises that the development of consciousness has allowed us to take generic, neurologically-defined, qualities rooted in our primate nature and re-label those qualities to apply to a unique context and as such create a multitude of specialisations
That fits perfectly with my view of conservatism. That is also in agreement with my paleolithic preferences -- what could be more conservative than paleolithic principles?

Anonymous said...
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